
Disadvantaged disabled people – you can’t ignore these facts

It’s New Year’s Eve. I’m full up after an overindulgent Christmas, and full of hope for the year to come. But, on reading the recent Office of National Statistics Life Opportunities Survey, my generally positive mood has been tempered by the survey’s bleak outlook for people with disabilities. The survey reveals that, wherever you turn, [...]

“Job done. Disabled people are now fully included in society!”

Nearly all of my friends share the view that, since the arrival of the Disability Discrimination Act here in the UK, the quality of life of disabled people has improved no end. The less enlightened ones go on to say that because there’s a ramp into this taxi, or a hearing loop in that bank, [...]

EPLC Hemel Hempstead – London: ‘Inclusion’

Racism, ageism, and sexism are all, to varying extents, battles which are being won. Full inclusion may be some way off for some groups, but the issues are at least fully aired. By contrast, “Disablism” is arguably the next big prejudiced view that is commonly held in our society and which still frequently results in [...]