
The WheelEasy Beachcomber

Three years ago, when we decided to move to Australia, to live near Sydney in Pearl Beach,  Justine said "I'm buggered if we're going to be in Pearl Beach in 2011, and unable to stroll along it hand in hand together!" So began our search to find a powered wheelchair that could cope with sand, [...]

Save the iBot

A few months ago, I started a Save the iBot supporters' group on Facebook. The iBot is the greatest advance ever in wheelchair technology. It is a ‘personal mobility device’, with Segway gyroscopic technology, which can climb stairs (, tackle nearly all terrains ( and spectacularly, transformer-like, balance at eye level on two wheels ( The iBot [...]

EPLC Rest day – Newcastle – Sunderland – Middlesbrough: ‘Technology’

It may sound strange, but I often think to myself how fortunate I am to be disabled in this modern world of microchips and other ground-breaking technology. It is an unarguable case that my life is made so much easier and so much better in quality than if I’d been born just a few years [...]